
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4451


An active shooter is a person who is actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area. 一个活跃的枪手可以随时随地攻击任何人. 大多数枪击案只持续10-15分钟. 这就是为什么快速有效地采取行动至关重要. Today is the day to decide what you will do in an active shooter situation. 你将在哪里出口?? 如果你无法离开,你会躲在哪里? Deciding today what your options are will enable you to react quickly and effectively.

Please note: first-time viewers that the video contains graphic images designed to simulate the reality of gun violence.


这里是金灰熊的主场, 365英国上市官网坐落在一个宏伟的1500英亩的庄园, complete with a National Historical Landmark - Meadowbrook Hall - a beautiful 150 foot tall carillon tower, 18支NCAA一级运动队, 两个锦标赛高尔夫球场, 儿童看护中心, 还有多个学术和住房单位. 365英国上市官网 is continuously rated as one of the safest campuses in the United States. 然而, we're all aware of the increased frequency of active assailant incidents across the country on college campuses this usually quiet campus could become the target of one of these types of incidents. 如果发生这种情况,你知道该怎么做才能保证自己的安全吗? 你好,我是365英国上市官网警察局的皮茨警官. The purpose of this training video is to provide you with the tools necessary to increase the likelihood of you surviving an active assailant incident, 它应该发生在校园里吗. You can survive an incident of active aggression if you make a plan before it happens. When an ordinary day turns into chaos, what are the strategies you need to remember to survive? (gunshot noises; screaming) "Today we're going to be discussing Plato's cave-" "That sounded like gunshots." There are three strategies you need to remember to survive an incident of active aggression: 运行. 隐藏. 战斗. 一个可用的选择是运行. 如果你需要离开你现在所在的大楼, 确保你知道所有出口在哪里. If you can run to a safe location, then running should be your first choice. Do not wait for others to make this decision for you or slow you down, 并留下个人物品. “嘿,你在干什么?? 我们得走了,我们得走了!" Communication centers are being flooded with phone calls during any critical incident. Do not call unless you have specific information about the assailant's appearance, 或者现在的位置, 或者受害方. Once you're in a safe location, and if you have information to give first responders, dial 9-1-1. Be sure to give your location because you may be speaking to a county dispatcher. “hb的四楼有个枪手. 他穿着黑色夹克和牛仔裤." The number one communication method used by the OUPD to alert the OU community during any critical incident on or near campus is the emergency text message system. If you receive this notification, you may not receive detailed information initially. The exact location of the threat may not be in the first text message that is sent out, 所以你需要注意周围的环境. 如果您没有登记,请到公安分局办理.com and follow the simple instructions on the web页面 to receive these alerts. 如果你跑不动会怎么样? 你可能需要躲起来. 你的目标是隐身. 如果你在房间里,把门锁上. “帮我搬一下这张桌子.“如果你有时间的话... “嘿,伙计们,拿几把椅子来." ..在门前堆放重物或大件物品. 关掉所有的灯. Turn off technology such as computers and overhead projectors, and silence your cell phone. 离开所有的窗户,如果可以的话,关上百叶窗. 散开,尽量靠近地面. Do not leave the area where you are unless you receive an all clear text message. 如果有人敲门说“警察”, 打开,在你收到“所有安全”的信息之前,不要打开门. “警察,开门!" OUPD have keys to every door on campus and can gain access to any area with those keys. If the fire alarm is activated while you're in lockdown and you know that your safety is not being jeopardized by smoke or flames, 不离开你的藏身之处吗. “等等,我们得走了.“不,别动,我们还没有听到警报。.”“好吧." While you are hiding, get ready to fight in case the assailant gains access to your room. 如果你跑不了,也躲不了,你最后的选择就是战斗. 这只能作为最后的手段. Whether you are alone or in a large group, you need to tell yourself you can survive. 你要准备好为你的生命而战. “找点东西打架!" Look around the room: do you have any weapons of opportunity to use to take out the assailant? 有什么东西可以作为临时武器吗? Your first line of defense is to be prepared to throw large or heavy objects at the assailant should they make entry into your location. 目标是尽快使攻击者丧失行动能力. As soon as police are notified of the incident, OUPD will be enroute and may only be moments away. 当警察到达时,他们的首要任务是阻止凶手. “人们进来,人们出来. 检查楼梯,看看你的左边." While it may appear that OUPD is not concerned with the injured individuals... “帮助!“救援就在路上,救援就在路上。." ..军官们受过训练,能听到枪声. Many medical first responders are staging at a different location and are prepared to help the injured as soon as the scene is safe. "在左边. 进去,进去." If police enter the area that you are in, do exactly as they tell you. 让他们看看你的手, 手里什么也不要拿, Police have no way of differentiating between the shooter and everyone else. You can expect to have guns pointed at you while police are giving you direction. 除非被告知,否则不要接近警察. 不管你是教员, 学生, 或员工, having a plan in case of an active shooter incident can increase the likelihood of your survival. If you ever find yourself in an active shooter incident remember three simple words that can save your life and the lives of others: 运行. 隐藏. 战斗.


在一般情况下, how you respond to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific circumstances of the encounter, bearing in mind there could be more than one shooter involved in the same situation. 如果你发现自己卷入了枪击案, try to remain calm and use these guidelines to help you plan a strategy for survival.


  • 心中有逃生路线和计划吗.
  • 把你的东西留下.
  • 防止其他人进入该区域.


  • 躲在枪手视线之外的地方.
  • 封锁你藏身之处的入口,锁好门.
  • 把你的手机和其他电子设备调成静音.


  • 这是最后的手段,只有当你的生命处于迫在眉睫的危险时.
  • 试图使枪手失去行动能力.
  • 表现出身体上的攻击性,并向枪手投掷物品.
  • 保持冷静,听从警官的指示.
  • 把你手里的东西放下.g. 夹克、包等.)
  • 立即举手并摊开手指.
  • 保持双手随时可见.
  • Avoid quick movements towards officers and do not hold on to them for safety.
  • 在疏散时没有停下来向警察寻求帮助或方向.
  • 射击者的位置
  • 射击人数(s)
  • 射手的外形描述
  • 枪手持有的武器数目及种类
  • 你所在位置的潜在受害者人数

在得知枪击事件后, OUPD will send an alert message giving instructions to the registered faculty, 工作人员, 和学生. For more information on the alert system or to register for messages, visit our 紧急警报 页面.


If you hear or see something that may lead to an active shooting or otherwise violent situation, 请 365英国上市官网. 相信你的直觉. 你救的可能是你自己的生命.