
Orthopaedic ‘fervor’


An image of attendees of the conference listening to Dr. Moore

第三届年度骨科外科研究研讨会的与会者听取德鲁·摩尔,M.D., assistant professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 也是骨科住院医师项目的主任, 位于皇家橡树的威廉博蒙特大学科威尔健康医院. 他谈到了在他监督的项目中获得居留权所需要的条件. (Photos by Andrew Dietderich)

An image of the doctors who participate in the conference

Joseph Guettler, M.D., 威廉博蒙特大学附属医院运动医学协会副主任, James Bicos, M.D., 威廉博蒙特大学医院运动医学奖学金主任, and Moore.

An image of the students behind the ortho research conference

Maddie DeClercq, M3, Matthew Cederman, M2, Avianna Arapovic, M3.

icon of a calendarFeb. 1, 2024

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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上周,奥本山大学的一个学生组织举办了第三届年度骨科外科研究研讨会,吸引了近100名学生参加, including students from every medical school in Michigan.

活动在红牛酒馆举行,由北大西洋大学学生兴趣小组骨科外科及运动医学小组主办, which is located adjacent to Oakland University.

学生们对这次活动的社交机会以及展示自己作品的机会很感兴趣, 要么通过虚拟海报会议,要么通过竞争激烈的讲台演讲. 他们还会见了皇家橡树市威廉博蒙特大学科瑞威尔健康医院的顶级骨科医生, 他们分享了一些有价值的见解,比如如何成功匹配,以及在这个领域是什么感觉.


“来到这里,认识来自不同学校的医学生真的很重要, especially those who are interested in the same field,” said Nikhil Aggarwal, M2, OUWB.

“另一个原因是想看看那些很酷的项目,”他补充说. “我也很感激有机会在我们的项目上见到主治医生,和他们见面……这真是太棒了。.”

‘It’s amazing’

The conference was first held in 2020, 当时,由于COVID-19大流行如火如荼,与会者被要求戴口罩.

M3 Maddie DeClercq首先与定期参加的骨科医生一起组织了这次活动.

Those surgeons are Drew Moore, M.D., assistant professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 也是骨科住院医师项目的主任, 位于皇家橡树的威廉博蒙特大学科威尔健康医院; James Bicos, M.D., 威廉博蒙特大学医院运动医学奖学金主任; and Joseph Guettler, M.D., 威廉博蒙特大学附属医院运动医学协会副主任. Also participating this year was Amir Lebaschi, M.D., a fellow in orthopaedic sports at Corewell.

DeClercq said she was “really, 我很高兴看到出席人数如此之多,也很高兴看到活动在马修·席德曼的新领导下蓬勃发展.

“It’s amazing,” she said. “我们开发这个活动是为了年复一年地复制它.”

Traditionally, 活动开始时,摩尔简要介绍了在Corewell健康中心获得骨科住院医师的条件.

In short, the process is highly competitive, and applicants need to set themselves apart through hard work, good attitude, 以及学习的意愿——在他们医学教育的强大知识基础之上.

“竞争非常激烈,所以他们越早了解这个过程, 他们在正确的时间做他们需要做的事情的优势就越大,” said Moore.

Another tradition is the podium presentation contest. This year, six presentations were given. The Corewell physicians served as judges.

First place went to Tareq Hanna, M2, Wayne State University School of Medicine, followed by Mitchell Yelton, M3, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, in second, and Alex Lindahl, M3, OUWB, in third.

An image of the 2023 ortho research conference attendees

与会者向摩尔提出了几个问题,问他如何才能在威廉博蒙特大学附属科雷威尔健康医院(Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital)获得实习医生的职位.

‘Like-minded, highly motivated people’


M3 Mahfujul Haque, from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, said he viewed it primarily as a learning experience.

“我想看看这里的医科学生在做什么样的研究,也许可以为我自己未来的研究获得一些灵感, too,” he said. 

M2 Malik Al-Jamal, from Wayne State University School of Medicine, 他还说,他想学习,并与“来自全州各地的一些同学”建立联系.”

“很高兴看到我们这么多来自不同学校的人在一个地方分享我们对骨科的热爱,” he said. “It’s nice.”

M3 Mitchell Yelton, 他是密歇根州立大学校友布伦特·耶尔顿的弟弟, M.D., OUWB ’23), shared similar thoughts.

“It’s nice to get together with a lot of like-minded, 在这样的环境下,我们可以见到来自一个非常有信誉的项目的医生,” he said.

OUWB M2雅各布·科尔曼说,像会议这样的机会可以让人大开眼界.

“When you come to these kinds of conferences, and have opportunities to speak with doctors, 你会更好地理解协作医学是如何实现的,” he said. “在一个有时会让人感觉超级竞争的领域,这是一个有趣、放松的环境.”


“This is the kind of thing we live for,” said Bicos. “我们教住院医生、研究员和医科学生,他们同样重要.”

Guettler said he’s “very dedicated to this type of programming.“他还参与确保合适的场地和引入赞助商. (今年的赞助商是Team Rehabilitation Physical Therapy, Arthrex Inc .., Stryker Corp., and MioTech Orthopedic Group.)

Guettler said it’s all about helping the medical students.

“I’m really proud of the medical students,” he said. “他们对整形外科的热情令人印象深刻……我们希望支持这种热情。.”

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