

Medical school’s global health initiatives back on track after pandemic pause

博士的照片. 厄瓜多尔校长

Dana 校长, M.D., OUWB '23,厄瓜多尔,2023. 这个病人在十多年前的一次车祸中瘫痪了,因此不能很容易地去诊所. (提交的图)

日历图标2月. 1, 2024

铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


One would be hard-pressed to find someone who had a match day like 本·戈尔茨坦,m.s.D., 23年,离开.

第一个, he didn’t attend the on-campus celebration because he was in Jerusalem for the month of March, taking part in one of OUWB’s global health initiatives.

进一步, 戈尔茨坦无法打开显示他匹配位置的电子邮件,因为它是在他开始守安息日之后收到的. 这意味着要等到周六晚上.

当他发现的时候, 戈尔茨坦和住在耶路撒冷的家人一起前往标志性的马赫哈尼耶胡达市场庆祝.


“This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,他说.

戈德斯坦是OUWB的几名学生和校友之一,他们几年来首次参加了2023年的全球健康倡议, after a ban forced by the COVID-19 global pandemic was lifted.  He went to Jerusalem through the OUWB-Hadassah University Medical School Exchange Program.

2023年全球健康倡议的其他参与者是Zara Saleem和Maryam Hermez,他们都是m4级的,他们在美国艾滋病规划署工作.S./墨西哥 border through a new offering, and Dana 校长, M.D., 23年,离开, who spent a month in 厄瓜多尔.


“I’m looking forward to…incorporating the language skills, 文化能力, and medical knowledge that I have learned in 厄瓜多尔 to benefit future patients,校长说。.  


校长 wanted to study abroad for two primary reasons: to practice her medical Spanish, and experience health care in a developing country.

Through 儿童家庭健康国际 (CFHI), 校长 applied for an opportunity in Quito, 厄瓜多尔, 并且被接受了. 她还获得了CFHI Loeliger 4th 国际选修奖学金.


博士的照片. 厄瓜多尔校长

在厄瓜多尔的选举期间, 校长 and others spent a day in the Amazon, 参观辛娜, 当地土著社区. 他们教雷克特和其他人如何用木薯根(也被称为manioc或yuca)制作木薯面包。.

雷克特参与的项目描述承诺,参与者将“了解生活方式, 行为, and environment influence urban and rural outcomes.”

校长 spent the month living with a host family. The program included 10 hours of Spanish lessons. Her clinical experiences were divided between a Public Maternity Hospital in Quito, and an Indigenous Medicine Clinic in Otavalo, 距离基多约90分钟车程.

校长, who matched in OB-Gyn at University of Toledo, 和急诊室的医生一起工作, 家庭医学, 和妇产科诊所.


类似的, 戈尔茨坦是在底特律医疗中心匹配的,他去耶路撒冷进行外科手术的选择性轮转.



其中包括马里兰州的盖伊·罗森塔尔(Guy Rosenthal).D.他是哈达萨希伯来大学和旧金山加州大学的首席神经外科医生.

“I scrubbed into cases and participated the same as I would have in the U.S.戈尔茨坦说. “这可能意味着保持牵引力,缝一针,或者做手术的其他小部分.

“I was close enough and involved enough to make it a great educational experience,” he adds.


“我第一次走进手术室,我听到了很多不同的语言,他说. “阿拉伯语, 英语, 俄罗斯, and Hebrew…all being spoken at the same time, and everybody was able to communicate perfectly.”



这些经历正是开放的世界银行全球健康倡议负责人Inaya Hajj Hussein设定的目标, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Foundational Medical Studies; Allison Ball, M.D., a pediatrician and clinical faculty member; and Srikala Yedavally, M.D., a family physician and clinical faculty member.

博士的照片. 哈达萨的戈尔茨坦
本·戈尔茨坦,m.s.D.;;;;;.D.他是哈达萨希伯来大学和旧金山加州大学的首席神经外科医生. (提交的图)

Creation of the initiative was led by Rachel Yoskowitz, BS(护理), 英里每小时, 谁在2020年从OUWB退休.

今天, OUWB’s Global Health Initiative falls under the auspices of Compass, which is the school’s department dedicated to community engagement.

“I’m a big believer in OUWB being a community that is serving a community,” 哈吉·侯赛因说. 这适用于全球社会.”

It’s an approach that dates to the school’s beginning.

2011年,OUWB与希伯来大学-哈达萨医学院签署了合作协议,同年,OUWB迎来了第一批学生. 本质上, 这是一个交换项目,每个学校都将像戈尔茨坦这样的学生送到另一个学校进行短期学习.

从那里, programs were created with universities and health systems around the world: Korea, 坦桑尼亚, 墨西哥, 日本, 爱尔兰, 印度, 中国, 加拿大, 和更多的. Nearly 50 students have participated in such electives at OUWB, according to available records.

In 2020, everything came to a halt because of COVID-19.

In 2023, however, OUWB’s global health initiatives got back on track.


Hajj Hussein says the importance of OUWB having global health initiatives can’t be understated.

“Our patients are becoming more 和更多的 diverse,她说。. “了解病人的文化、他们的背景以及他们所经历的事情非常重要. It’s not just about diagnosing diseases but also getting this global perspective.”


进一步, the COVID-19 global pandemic showed everyone just how interdependent we are, 哈吉·侯赛因说.

“As the CDC says, ‘a disease threat anywhere is a disease threat everywhere,’她说。.

Hajj Hussein说,这是两个主要原因,项目主管试图为公开商学院的所有学生寻找机会.

第一个- and second-year students can participate in internships and special trips, 主要是在夏天. OUWB also endorses student participation in the 儿童家庭健康国际 (CFHI)计划,最适合正在崛起的M2s. M1s and M2s also have several lectures on topics related to global health, such as the origins and purpose of the World Health Organization.

医学院四年级的学生可以主要通过选修课参与全球卫生倡议. 这些选修课分布在大约80个不同的国家 American Association of Medical Colleges Visiting 学生 Learning Opportunities (VSLO)项目. 学生s must receive approval to participate from OUWB administration. 进一步, they are graded and must clearly identify pre- and post-trip objectives. (在某些情况下可以获得资金. Due to various reasons, not all programs are available every year.)


Allison Ball oversees the program for M4s. 鲍尔通过卫生人力资源项目在卢旺达当了很长一段时间的医生, helping build up the local health care infrastructure.

“很多从医的人都说他们想帮助别人,或者和帮助别人的人一起工作,鲍尔说。. “那些在国外寻找机会的人, 或者在不同的健康社区, 我也有这种感觉, 但是要有一个对他们个人有益的经历……他们从中得到的总是比他们投入的要多得多.”


“It changes your life in a lot of ways, personally and professionally,她说。.


OUWB global health initiatives continue to expand, too.

2023年末, 对外开放大学开始为学生提供参加加州大学圣地亚哥分校边境健康选修课的机会. 通过这个项目, 学生们是评估从墨西哥越境到美国寻求庇护者健康状况的团队的一部分.S.

在另一个新产品中, 365英国上市官网(365英国上市官网)的一项应急计划预计将包括几名正在上升的M2s学生 加纳之旅.

为期三周, faculty-led program will provide students with a hands-on, community-driven experience covering social issues affecting women and children. 学生将通过参观设施和社区诊所参与社区卫生保健,并与专业人员接触,了解发展中国家的卫生需求.


“Our mission is to have physicians who are human and compassionate,她说。. “When they have this global perspective, they’re going to be better doctors.”

For more information, visit OUWB’s Global Health Initiatives webpage.
