

The professional 学术顾问 Office staff empowers students during their academic pursuits and j我们的ney towards a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in 健康科学; 营养: 应用健康科学; 临床与诊断科学; 运动科学; 环境健康与安全; or 健康及促进健康. Our staff works in collaboration with the student to achieve their overall academic, 毕业, 职业目标是为了健康.

For information about scholarships, student organizations and helpful links, please visit 我们的 学生资源 页面.

To accommodate the needs of all students, we deliver services both in-person and remotely. 要安排您的预约,请致电(248)370-2369与咨询办公室联系.



Our goal is to empower students as they plan and prepare for the next few years at 365英国上市官网. Below are actions you should be taking as an SHS student to stay focused on the finish line — 毕业.

第一年:  安排一个学术咨询预约 第一年辅导中心. We also suggest that you explore connecting with student organizations to get involved.

第二年:  与SHS学术顾问安排一对一的学位规划会议. We'll enc我们的age you to decide on what area you would like to study and commit to a major. Consider joining an academic organization, networking with other students and possibly job shadowing.

第三年: Start preparation for professional school exams and possibly complete a professional exam. 考虑工作见习. 与SHS学术顾问安排一次毕业审核.

第四年:  申请参加专业项目和工作见习.  至少提前两个学期计划毕业审核. 此外,请记住,有一个申请截止日期 毕业. 为读研做计划.

  • Carefully read information on y我们的 chosen major, specialization, concentration, minor, 等.
  • Understand all of the requirements for y我们的 chosen major and all university requirements outlined in y我们的 本科目录.
  • 请记住,有些项目竞争激烈,入学可能无法保证.
  • 竞争项目的要求各不相同. 作为一名学生, 你有责任确保你理解了需求, 申请程序, 最后期限, 等. 对于竞争性项目.
  • You should also keep in touch with SHS academic advising staff for regular updates and schedule an appointments at least once a year

欢迎来到健康科学学院. The 卫生科学学院 provides a supportive and inclusive environment for students, 教师, 涉及广泛卫生利益的工作人员和合作伙伴. 通过令人兴奋的临床和社区机会, 我们追求创新学习, 在健康和保健方面有意义的服务和充满活力的研究努力. 无论你的目标是什么, a degree from the 卫生科学学院 prepares you for a wide range of career paths. 确定你的职业选择 SHS基础模型. 来自SHS学术咨询团队,欢迎来到健康科学学院!

参观 新的学生网站 去见你的SHS学术顾问.


Current students are required to schedule an academic advising appointment at least once a year. 想要的学生 研究生 是否应该在毕业前至少两个学期安排一次毕业审核.  All 毕业 audits and transcript reviews require a scheduled academic advising appointment.

安排约会(虚拟, 电话, 或面对面), 联系SHS咨询办公室,电话:(248)370-2369.


Join SHS advisers for the upcoming pre-professional series focused on preparing you for medical or pharmacy school. 虚拟会议将涵盖创建个人时间表的技巧, 如何成为一个有竞争力的申请人, 常见问题和资源,可能有利于你作为开放大学的学生. 参观 民政事务局谘询日历 为即将到来的日期和时间,和 注册 加入我们!

  • During this registration cycle we ask that you call the office to speak with an academic adviser during 我们的 scheduled call-in times and dates that are listed above.
  • 电话会议期间不提供毕业审核. 
  • 学生们将按照先到先得的原则被召回. 
  • 每个学生上课时间不超过15分钟.
  • 通常需要等待. 

Transfer students who have NOT been accepted to the university yet are enc我们的aged to schedule a full advising appointment by calling (248) 370-2369 or sign-up for the 转学开放日. 在电话咨询会议期间,我们可能无法访问您的记录. We enc我们的age transfer students to apply to the university in order to receive an official transcript evaluation. Transfer students who have been admitted to 365英国上市官网 should sign-up for 定位第二部分 在迎新期间在线与学术顾问见面. 电话咨询是为快速提问而设计的.

2024年1月4日星期四9:00.m. ——中午
2024年1月5日星期五|下午1:30 - 4:30.m.
2024年1月8日星期一|下午1:30 - 4:30.m.
2024年1月16日星期二9:00.m. ——中午
2024年1月18日星期四|下午1:30 - 4:30.m.

The degree plans are suggested schedules designed for incoming freshmen to stay on track for 毕业. Keep in mind that all students are required to follow any prerequisite requirements for every c我们的se. 

健康科学(HS)学士学位 结合基础科学, social sciences and health science c我们的ses for students who desire a generalized, 以健康为重点的学术经历. Students choose an academic concentration area to obtain greater exposure to a specific health discipline.

整体健康 | 学前健康专业学习 | Pre-pharmacy

A Bachelor of Science in 跨学科医疗保健研究 offers an opportunity to acquire health expertise across disciplines that allow students to pursue a health science degree that extends beyond training for direct clinical care provision.  This degree positions students to pursue job opportunities in a variety of supportive and non-clinical positions in healthcare.


营养 (NTR) is an interdisciplinary field with three primary areas of focus: community nutrition (or public health), 餐饮服务管理, 以及临床(医疗)营养学. 营养学理学学士学位 emphasizes the relationship between diet, nutrition, food access and health status.

营养 | 营养学

The 应用健康科学 (AHS) program is designed to allow students to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree by combining c我们的ses from the university curriculum with specific Associate of Applied Sciences (AAS) degrees from accredited community colleges. The two-plus-two degree completion program allow students to readily transfer c我们的se credits from accredited two-year community colleges. 

医疗保健领导课程 | 健康促进径 l 矫形与修复学 l 放射技术

The 临床与诊断科学 (CDS) program is designed to prepare students for professional opportunities in a variety of growing healthcare fields. 应对新兴技术, many areas of specialization have evolved that ensure the expertise of the healthcare personnel fulfilling critical roles.

诊断性医学超声 l 组织工艺学 | 医学化验学 | 放射技术 | 核医学技术 | 临床前的职业 | Pre-pharmacy科学 | Pre-Physician助理 | 医学实验室科学综合课程

The 运动科学 (EXS) program offers a Bachelor of Science in 运动科学, 理疗前集中治疗, 辅修运动科学, as well as elective c我们的ses for students interested in the relationship among physical activity, 控制体重, 疾病预防, 压力管理和营养为最佳的健康和性能.

运动科学 | 矫形师和义肢师助理研究Pre-Physical疗法 | 运动科学综合课程

The 环境健康与安全 (EHS) program is multi-disciplinary in nature, 为学生提供与环境健康相关的接触, 职业安全和工业卫生概念通过自然科学, 行为科学和体验式学习机会.

环境健康与安全 | 环境健康和安全/管理综合方案

公共卫生 (前身为健康及健康促进)
公共卫生(PH)计划为学生准备一个 有影响力的职业,改善你的社区的健康和福祉 我们的 有公共卫生学位的人. 作为一名公共卫生专业人员, 你将专注于积极主动, 预防措施——努力减少 风险 的疾病, 受伤或疾病 人群中 甚至 在它发生之前 through community engagement, programming, research, policy, health behavior and more.

健康及促进健康 (前) 公共卫生综合项目 | 公共卫生 (现在的入学)


(248) 370-2369

(248) 370-3562