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OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  The Mail Services Department (MSD) provides efficient distribution, 集合, and processing of incoming, and outgoing 365英国上市官网 (University) business mail.  This policy establishes procedures for processing mail through the MSD.

政策:  由MSD发送的邮件仅适用于365英国上市官网的业务.  商业资料是指与大学运作有关的资料.  MSD将拒绝接收或处理任何他们认为属于私人性质或其他个人用途的邮件/包裹(住校学生除外)。.  大学不负责私人/个人财产或邮件的损失或损坏.

发送的大学邮件必须符合所有美国邮政服务(USPS)邮件处理指南.  When preparing jobs to be printed and mailed, 邮件必须由邮政服务经理或其指定人员批准,以确保符合美国邮政总局的规定.  邮件服务经理是代表大学与USPS沟通的授权代表.

All outgoing pieces should have a University return address.  大学服务主任可以审查和批准这一要求的例外情况.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY:  This policy pertains to all on-campus handling of mail.


标记:  A postage permit imprint specifically assigned to Mail Services.  Use of Indicia must be pre-approved. 看到 默沙东公司网站.

跨部门的邮件:  Also referred to as “campus mail” and consisting of envelopes, 备忘录, 形式, 出版物, and other business mail routed from one campus location to another.

可加工的:  如果邮件可以在美国邮政总局的处理设备上分类并符合特定标准,那么它就是“可加工”的, 包括大小, 形状和重量.  更高的邮费将适用于不符合可加工标准的部件.

校外的邮件:  邮件将由MSD转发给USPS,并附有适当的邮资,以便在大学校园外交付.

营销邮件:  Previously termed “Standard”, 营销邮件 is large volume mail.  It offers a lower postage rate and delivery timing is typically longer.  营销邮件 cannot be used for sending personalized correspondence, bills or statements because these require First Class postage.


用于在部门级别准备的需要邮资的校外商业邮件, 邮寄服务申请表必须填妥并附在寄出的邮件上.  This form along with bar-coded labels, 民政事务署可免费向有关人士索取有关基金的资料.  Request these 形式 by email ((电子邮件保护)) or download from the 默沙东公司网站.  请注意,未经研究管理办公室批准,不得使用拨款基金号码.

In order for the MSD to be effective and compliant with USPS regulations, the following information is required on the form:
  • Type of Service (First Class, International, Media Mail, UPS, etc.)

  • Piece count of items being mailed or shipped

  • Fund Number with associated bar code label
If any of the above items are missing, 民政事务署有权将邮件退回发信部门,以确保填妥所需资料.  如果请求一种以上类型的服务,邮件也应该分成批次.

For high volume or more complicated services (e.g., applying addresses using inkjet printer), use the Mail Services Requisition form which can be found on the 默沙东公司网站.

No less than once a month, 民政事务署会将各学系的开支记入大学总帐系统的适当基金编号.


邮政署于每个工作日从美国邮政收取邮件,然后将邮件分拣并送到大学各院系.  寄给不再受雇于大学的人的邮件,将寄往信封上的部门或办公室地址作进一步处理.

跨部门的邮件 and outgoing U.S. 邮件于每个工作天由部门邮件站/邮件室领取.  然后,邮件要么分类交付给校园收件人,要么分类并转发给USPS,一旦适当的邮资被应用.

如民政事务署已在部门邮件站完成当天的取件工作,而处理工作属紧急性质, 有关跨部门派递或美国邮政服务派递的邮件,可于办公时间内,在警务及支援服务大楼民政事务署的前台投递.

Outgoing USPS mail leaves the campus at approximately 3:00 p.m. 每一天.  在此之后到达MSD的任何邮件/包裹将在下一个工作日转发给USPS.


The University’s internal mail service is governed by Federal law, 规定所有免邮资的邮件必须是为大学事务而派递,并须由大学职员派递.  No personal or commercial mail should be sent through 跨部门的邮件.

When addressing inter-departmental envelopes, complete and clearly state:
  • Name of addressee (if an individual) and/or

  • Name of department, office or school

  • Office Address or Name of building
更改校园办公地址的通知应发送给MSD.  没有正确地址的跨部门邮件将被搁置,并可能被退回给发件人.

跨部门邮件涉及卫星大学位置(马科姆大学中心), as an example) will be processed and made available for pickup in the MSD.



The MSD offers several options in conjunction with the USPS.  有关最小容量或其他限制的最新信息可在 默沙东公司网站, or from the Postal Service at www.美国邮政总局.com.

  • 一级邮件.  Besides processing low volume pieces at the current USPS postage rates, the MSD can handle high volume first class mailings at a reduced, 只要符合USPS可加工的特定要求,自动邮资率即可.

  • 营销邮件 (通常称为标准邮件)通常是发送大量邮件的最经济的方式.  Such a mailing might be sent at a reduced, automated rate if the specific USPS regulations have been met.  如果有疑问, MSD可能会将邮件的概念样本带到USPS以评估其可接受性.

  • 国际邮件, including Customs 形式.  Description of contents must be given to the MSD.

  • 特殊的邮件 such as insured mail, registered mail, and certified mail.

  • 邮政许可证 数字(标记).  所有使用365英国上市官网许可证的请求必须由邮件服务协调员或大学服务主任处理和批准.

  • 商业回邮邮资 and handling charges are billed back to departments.  Layout and artwork must be approved by the Coordinator of MSD.

欠资 由USPS产生和收取的费用由相应的部门支付.

Providing Electronic Address Files

民政事务署可接受电子文件,以制作邮寄标签及/或将地址直接印在邮件上.  Please note the following for sending electronic files:

  • Can be sent via electronic requisition using the 默沙东公司网站 或者通过电子邮件.

  • Addresses can be printed on labels or by inkjet directly on the mail piece.

  • 该文件可以是Excel(首选)或文本(逗号分隔的格式).

In the absence of USPS 集合 boxes on the University campus, 并将, 出于礼貌, 收集已盖上邮票的私人邮件(仅限信封),同时收集公务邮件.  这样做的时候, 默沙东不承担责任,这些件到达他们的目的地在同一时间框架,如果个人已经邮寄到美国邮政设施.  This is the only personal service that 并将 provide.  If individuals need to purchase postage or to ship a personal package, they must go to an office of one of the full-service carriers – USPS, 联邦快递或联合包裹.

