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Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

North Foundation Hall, Room 120
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester , MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-2550
[email protected]

Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Have your Grizzly ID ready

Summer Office Hours:
May 15 - June 30: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 1 - July 14: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 15 - August 18: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

OU school code: 002307

Student employment contact: [email protected]

We are committed to ensuring you're able to access our website. 有关技术资源的协助,请联系OU Student Technology Center.

Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

North Foundation Hall, Room 120
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester , MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-2550
[email protected]

Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Have your Grizzly ID ready

Summer Office Hours:
May 15 - June 30: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 1 - July 14: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 15 - August 18: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

OU school code: 002307

Student employment contact: [email protected]

We are committed to ensuring you're able to access our website. 有关技术资源的协助,请联系OU Student Technology Center.


Applying for Financial Aid

To receive financial aid, 你必须被365英国上市官网录取,并参加符合条件的学术课程. 无论是作为本科生、研究生还是医学院学生申请, apply for admission.

To apply for federal financial aid, students, their spouse if married, or their parent(s) if applicable, must each create their own studentaid.gov 账户(FSA ID)以电子方式访问和签署FAFSA的适当部分,并访问与财政援助相关的联邦网站. Complete a 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) annually, as soon as it becomes available, 申请并保持联邦政府的资格, state, and OU financial aid.

Federal Aid

通过联邦学生援助免费申请,申请联邦财政援助很容易, commonly known as the FAFSA. To access and sign the FAFSA, 以及访问与财政援助相关的联邦网站, you must create studentaid.gov account (FSA ID).

After you’ve created your studentaid.登录Gov,你申请经济资助的下一步是完成 FAFSA. You must complete the FAFSA annually, as soon as it becomes available, to apply for federal financial aid. 在你的FAFSA上包括奥克兰的学校代码(002307),以确保我们收到你的申请. Use the FAFSA Worksheet to prepare to complete your FAFSA.

Need help with your FAFSA? No problem! Join a virtual FAFSA workshop or speak to an adviser for assistance. We are ready to help.

State of Michigan Aid

密歇根州的援助项目需要FAFSA,并可能需要额外的申请材料. 一旦你的第一个FAFSA被处理(提交后1-3天), 你可以创建密歇根州立大学学生门户网站,访问有关密歇根州立大学财政援助的信息和必要材料,并管理你选择的学校. 

直到创建学生门户访问, 请访问密歇根州学生和家庭网站,了解更多关于密歇根州学生门户网站的信息, MI Student Aid programs, 甚至访问麻省理工学院奖学金搜索工具. Learn more about MI Student Aid.

Oakland University Aid


未来的本科生可以查看资格标准和续签信息 OU automatic scholarships and grants

目前就读于公开大学的学生可以通过访问 录取和录取本科生页面.

除了自动颁发给即将入学的本科生的奖学金和助学金之外, 365英国上市官网还提供学术和学生服务部门的年度奖学金. 这些捐赠奖学金需要每年为被录取和注册的学生提交一份申请. View the available OU Annual Scholarships.

Private Aid

私人援助通常被认为是从大学以外的来源获得的援助, state, and federal governments. 私人援助可以是来自组织、基金会和/或企业的奖学金. 私人贷款可以来自银行、信用合作社或你选择的私人贷款机构. 

Private Scholarships
学生可以获得大量的私人奖学金. 学生可以通过增加提交的申请数量来增加他们被私人奖学金选中的可能性. 考虑制定一个每周的目标,比如每周你想提交多少份申请,或者你想花多少时间申请奖学金, 然后每周努力实现这个目标,直到你从公开大学毕业! 在大型在线数据库中搜索私人奖学金,例如:

State of Michigan Scholarship Search

Private Loans
如果可能的话,私人贷款应该作为最后的手段. The Federal Direct Loan program usually offers lower interest rates and more flexible repayment plans than most private/alternative loans; if you’re eligible you can find the federal loan(s) available to you on your MySail financial aid offer. 在考虑从私人贷款中获得补充资金之前,最大限度地从所有联邦贷款中借款. 要小心私人贷款,因为它会阻碍你与财务援助办公室合作, offer introductory rates, 不将贷款利率与伦敦银行同业拆借利率或优惠利率的固定百分比挂钩, 或者声称你可以申请并立即收到钱.

Receive Financial Aid Offer

Once your FAFSA is received and processed, 电子财务援助通知将发送到您的奥克兰电子邮件地址, asking you to view on MySAIL 你有资格获得的经济援助的金额和类型. 检讨一下经济援助是个好主意 Policies, Terms, and Conditions 并定期查看365英国上市官网的电子邮件-你不想错过经济援助通知, which will include directions for your next steps.

如果你的助学金有任何变化或更新,我们会发送修改后的通知. 如果发生了严重影响你家庭当前财务状况的情况, 你应该立即拨打(248)370-2550与财务援助顾问交谈.

经济援助最初是在常规学年(秋季/冬季学期)提供的,但可能在夏季学期提供. Learn more about financial aid for summer classes.

Check MySAIL